Paramedic Paramedic 23 years old partially paralyzed after fracturing his neck and causing stroke


Cracking your neck seems rather harmless, but for a British woman, it caused a stroke that left her partially paralyzed.

Natalie Kunicki, who works as a paramedic for the London Ambulance Service, was watching movies in bed with a friend after a nightly night on March 4, when she stretched her neck and heard a crackle, according to the Daily Mail .

At first, the 23-year-old girl did not think much about noise, but when she got up to go to the bathroom 15 minutes later, she collapsed and could not move her leg.

"My friend had to come and get me," she says. "He thought I was drunk, but I knew that something else was not going well.

At first, Kunicki thought that she had been drugged.

She delayed 10 minutes 999 (British version of 911), because she did not want her colleagues to introduce themselves and find it "intoxicating".

"I thought it was too unlikely that it was a stroke when I should have known much better," she said.

She tried to fall asleep but finally decided to ask for help.

Kunicki was taken to the hospital in an ambulance and realized that something was wrong on her way: her coordination was poor, her heart rate and her blood pressure were "astronomical" ".

The doctors finally discovered that she had burst a vertebral artery, a major artery of the neck. This rupture caused the formation of a blood clot in his brain, which then triggered a stroke, according to the Daily Mail.

"The doctors told me later that stretching my neck had caused the rupture of my spinal artery," she said. "It was spontaneous and there is a one in a million chance of this happening."

Kunicki immediately underwent surgery that lasted three hours. Although the doctors could repair his artery, they could not clean the clot in his brain (although they claim it would dissolve in time).

According to the Daily Mail, Kunicki's left-wing left-wing shot was almost completely paralyzed.

"At first, I could not move my thumb and my index finger," she said. "I could move my wrist up and down, I could not lift my arm, I could bend my left leg, but I could not wiggle my toes."

Kunicki slowly regains her mobility and she can walk, but not more than five minutes. Her doctors do not know if or when she will fully recover.

"I'm really clumsy. I can not create buttons, I find it too difficult. I can get hot and cold now, but I still feel a little numb, "she said. "People should know that even if you are young, something so simple can cause a stroke. I did not even try to break my neck. I just moved in and it happened.

The Kunicki family has created a GoFundMe page for their medical expenses.


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