Patients who develop depression on long Covid respond better to antidepressants than most


Patients who develop depression on long Covid respond better to antidepressants than most, study finds

  • Nine in 10 Covid survivors who develop depression benefit from antidepressants
  • Normally, only about 40 to 60 percent of patients respond to medications.
  • Inflammation Caused By Virus May Cause Post-Covid Depression, Experts Say

Coronavirus survivors who develop depression respond much better to medication than most people, study finds.

Surveys suggest that up to 40% of patients who catch the virus end up feeling depressed for months.

There were fears of a wave of depression as the pandemic raged as an increasing number of people are struck by a “long Covid”.

As few as four in 10 patients usually respond to antidepressants.

But scientists have found that nine in 10 Covid survivors have quit battling the blues after overcoming the infection by taking the drugs.

The Milan-based academics team expected a pass rate of less than 70%.

Lead author Dr Mario Mazza, psychiatrist at the University of San Raffaele, said: “We know that Covid has led to an epidemic of mental health issues.

“Post-Covid depression is a serious problem, with around 40% of Covid patients developing depression within six months of infection.

“But this study does indicate that patients who have had Covid have a better chance of managing their depression than we thought.”

According to researchers at San Raffaele University in Milan, around four in ten people who catch Covid report having developed depression within six months of catching the virus.  But more than 90 percent of those affected benefit from antidepressants,

According to researchers at San Raffaele University in Milan, around four in ten people who catch Covid report having developed depression within six months of catching the virus. But more than 90 percent of sufferers receive antidepressants, “much more” than the usual 40 to 60 percent of patients who respond to drugs.

He added: “This is a pilot study, but it indicates that post-Covid depression is treatable.”

The coronavirus has been linked to a myriad of symptoms in patients who eventually overcome the virus.

The most common are fatigue, headaches and difficulty breathing, but depression and anxiety are also recognized by the NHS as long-term effects.

Depression rates are 70% higher than before Covid but have fallen since the lockdown was lifted in summer, official investigation shows

Rates of depression in Britain are starting to decline after rising during the Covid pandemic, official data shows.

The Office for National Statistics estimated that 10% of adults in the UK were depressed before the virus first struck.

This figure has more than doubled to a record 21% last winter after two brutal waves of the epidemic and three lockdowns, with women and young people being the most affected.

The ONS estimates that the proportion fell to 17% last month, based on its ongoing survey of nearly 14,000 people across the country.

Lockdowns, social isolation, job cuts and fears about the pandemic have all been linked to higher rates of depression in other studies.

Most Covid social restrictions and restrictions have been dropped in the UK since the summer despite some variation between countries.

Inflammation caused by the virus appears to be the main trigger contributing to post-Covid depression, experts said.

And the anti-inflammatory properties of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) – a type of antidepressant – can directly target this swelling.

The academics treated 58 patients who developed depression six months after catching the virus.

They received sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, fluoxetine or citalopram.

The volunteers answered a questionnaire about their symptoms before receiving the drugs. They were asked the same questions four weeks later.

Some 53 of the 58 patients said their depression had improved a lot after taking the drugs.

Dr Mazza said: “We would normally have expected about 40 of the 58 patients to respond positively to treatment.”

The results were not affected by gender, the type of antidepressant taken, or whether the patient had previously suffered from mental health issues.

This suggests “a higher response rate to antidepressants in post-Covid depression,” wrote experts in the study, which has yet to be peer reviewed.

The results will be presented at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology conference in Lisbon.

The team will now conduct a larger scale trial.

They also want to examine whether antidepressants can help with other post-Covid symptoms, such as cognitive impairment and fatigue.

Dr Livia De Picker, psychiatrist at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, who was not involved in the study, said: “Although we still do not understand all the causes of the long Covid, this study indicates that post-Covid depressive symptoms respond very well to serotonergic antidepressants.

“This does not surprise me, as recent studies have pointed out that these compounds may also protect patients against severe Covid disease and several antidepressants are currently being investigated as Covid treatment options.

“I hope the current results will prompt further research into the mechanisms by which antidepressants can help against acute and long-term Covid complaints.”


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