Pediatric COVID-19 Cases Declining in US: “Encouraging News”


Melissa Moy

Melissa Moy Michael Loccisano / Getty Images

New cases of COVID-19 are on the decline in the United States, including among children, amid what an expert believes is the “last great wave of infection.”

Since September 1, the number of new daily cases of COVID-19 in the United States has decreased by 35%, The New York Times reports. According to CNN, the United States currently averages about 107,000 new cases a day, up from more than 150,000 a month ago. In addition, the Times writes, “even pediatric cases are on the decline, despite the lack of vaccine authorization for children under 12”.

Jennifer Nuzzo, epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said The Washington Post that it is “encouraging news that we are seeing pediatric cases declining despite the absence of vaccines, because it means that we can do a lot by making sure we control the spread of viruses in adults.” The American Academy of Pediatrics recently reported that there was an 8.5% drop in the number of children testing positive for COVID-19 in the week ending September 23, although it was still the fifth consecutive week that there were more than 200,000. cases in children, according to CNN.

The Times‘David Leonhardt writes that the global drop in COVID-19 cases in the United States comes “even as millions of American children have again crowded into school buildings”, although he warns that “there is no guarantee that the decline in the number of cases will continue. “

But Dr Scott Gottlieb, a former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, told the Times that “barring something unexpected, I am of the opinion that this is the last great wave of infection”. The drop also comes as parents are still waiting for a coronavirus vaccine to be available for children under 12. Pfizer and BioNTech are seeking authorization for their vaccine for children between the ages of 5 and 11, and experts say the vaccine could get emergency approval by Halloween.

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