Pennsylvania to increase covid vaccine last week; cases, hospitalizations roughly constant


The latest data from the Pennsylvania Department of Health shows that among Pennsylvania residents who received covid-19 injections, more were completely inoculated than those who received partial doses.

Meanwhile, cases, hospitalizations and deaths have not seen significant fluctuations one way or the other, but remain on a downward trend.


The state added 2,840 new cases of covid on Saturday, following the release of the month’s top (3,074) on Friday. The seven-day average is 2,473 new cases, a number down since the start of the year.

Keystone state has now recorded a total of 964,296 cases since the virus first emerged in Pennsylvania a year ago.

Philadelphia recorded 365 new cases on Saturday, while Allegheny and Westmoreland counties recorded 329 and 76 cases, respectively.

Rounding out the counties in western Pennsylvania, the cases are Butler (64), Washington (51), Fayette (29), Beaver (26), Lawrence (21), Somerset (16), Indiana (13), Armstrong (7) and Green (6).

The state also reported 43 new deaths.

The total number of covid-19 deaths in Pennsylvania is 24,573 – 256 more deaths than last week (24,317).

Two weeks ago, deaths had increased by 317. Three weeks ago it was an increase of almost 430. Four weeks ago it was 500, while the change five weeks ago was more than triple, to 1,600.

Pennsylvania has 1,442 people hospitalized with covid-19, down 71 from last week and the lowest since early November. Two weeks ago the change was 272. Three weeks ago it was 275 less, and four weeks ago it saw 487 less than the week before.

Statewide hospitalizations tend to decline from their peak of more than 6,300 in December.

Currently, there are 307 covid patients in intensive care units (down 18 from last week), including 177 on ventilators (up six).

State officials said on Saturday that 3.5 million doses of the covid-19 vaccine had been administered across Pennsylvania, a total of more than 44 other states.

Figures show that there are 1,161,609 people with just their first stroke of covid, while 1,200,195 residents of the state have both strokes. To date, 19% of Pennsylvanians (2,361,804) have at least one dose of covid, while 9% are fully covered.

Teachers and educators statewide are offered the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine as part of a program that began in mid-units this week. It was not immediately clear whether the increase in the number of fully vaccinated residents was the result of the J&J one-shot vaccine.

Additionally, state officials reiterated that state immunization numbers do not include Philadelphia, which is its own jurisdiction, or federal facilities, which work directly with the federal government.

However, according to the Philadelphia Department of Health, 321,000 residents have received at least one dose, while 131,086 are fully immunized.

Allegheny County

Allegheny County reported an additional 329 cases on Friday for an average of 243 cases over seven days, roughly where it has been since early February.

Of the new cases, 224 are confirmed through 921 new PCR tests, the most confirmed cases reported in a single day so far this month, according to the county health department. One of the positive cases is over a week old. The test dates were from March 5 to Friday. The ages of the patients ranged from five months to 97 years. The median age was 37 years old.

No additional deaths related to covidus were reported, leaving the total at 1,731.

Currently 159 people are hospitalized for covid-19 with 48 patients in intensive care units and 19 on ventilators.

The county has had 5,367 covid hospitalizations in the past year. That’s 224 more patients than this time last week.

Almost two weeks in March, Allegheny County reported 3,110 cases of covid-19, an average of 240 per day (up from five compared to last week); The average for February was 261 cases per day, after posting a total of 7,301 cases.

In January, 15,559 cases were reported, an average of 502 per day.

As of December, the county had accumulated 25,405 new cases. It almost represents 13 cases from Allegheny County. This averaged 820 per day.

In November, authorities registered 12,608 new cases. December more than doubled that amount.

Throughout October, the county recorded 3,448 new cases.

Westmoreland County

Westmoreland County added 76 cases of covid, bringing the seven-day average to 70.

For the third time this week and the fourth time this month, no additional covid-related deaths have been reported, leaving the total so far at 688. There have been 16 deaths recorded so far in March . In February, the total was 67; January recorded 178.

In December, 224 deaths were reported. Westmoreland County did not reach that number between when the virus was first reported there last March and December 4.

There were 119 patients with covid-19 on Saturday in county hospitals – the same total this time last week. Of these, six are in intensive care (up to three), two of which (unchanged) are on ventilators.

Samson X Horne is a digital producer for Tribune-Review. You can contact Samson at 412-320-7845, [email protected] or via Twitter .

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