People suffering from insomnia fight sleepless nights


Rose painting


Rose has been suffering from insomnia for nearly 50 years

A third of the British population has trouble sleeping well at night. For some, insomnia can take over their lives, leaving them increasingly desperate to get lost.

In Wales, when there was concern about access to sleep-related services, three people are telling stories about living with the disease.

"I take 12 tablets a night"


Martin took up to 12 sleeping pills per night

Award-winning documentary maker Martin Read says his insomnia has been a "gift and a curse".

According to research, Martin lives in Cardiff, the UK's worst city of insomnia.

"For most people, sleeping is as easy as breathing and walking, but for me, it's the hardest thing in the world," he said.

He has not slept properly for more than 30 years and usually only gets three hours of sleep a night.

He stated that his "manic spirit" had given him the time and determination to work, but that his condition had seen him "collapse".

"It gives me that willpower that will not stop until I get what I want, but I have no self-confidence, it's embarrassing and I'm not sure. I'm so scared of what people think of me, "he said.

Five years ago, Martin initially had two months of sleep medication. But he said that he became addicted and then resorted to desperate measures by buying the drug online.

"To be able to sleep, I need a large dose of sleeping pills.

"I was prescribed these tablets and it was said that it would cure my insomnia, but no one said that it was addictive, that my dose would increase or that all side effects were horrible.

"I need more and more to have the same effect.I now need 12 nights and it is dangerous."

"The doctors would not prescribe me this amount, but you can buy them easily online and I know it's a risk.You can not be sure what you're going to have.I'm poisoning me -but I sleep desperately. "

His new doctor said that every day a number of pills would "kill" someone who had not yet developed this tolerance.

The need for Zs

Adults are advised to sleep between seven and nine hours a night.

However, a quarter of the population receives less than five.

Those who suffer from lack of sleep complain of mood swings, lack of energy, inability to concentrate and anger.

  • Insomnia: "No connection" between sleepless nights and premature death
  • Increased sleep disorders in Wales, related to obesity

Zopiclone manufacturers say users should only take one tablet per night for up to four weeks.

They warn of side effects, including withdrawal. Sleeping pills can also be highly addictive.

Dr. Simon Braybrook recommended a slow reduction in the number of tablets.

He said: "It's like a heroin withdrawal, I think it's one of the worst withdrawals possible."

"Sleep is important, just like oxygen, food and water are important – it's just essential to life – we can not do without it," said Professor Colin. Espie from the University of Oxford.

Martin was determined to stop taking sleeping pills and the documentary follows his mission for four months. He withdraws completely and uses non-medical methods to improve his sleep.

"Everything revolves around insomnia"

Amateur artist Rose, who lives in Swansea, has been suffering from insomnia for almost 50 years.

The situation is so disturbing that she is attending heavy metal concerts as part of her struggle.

"It's all about my insomnia," she said.

"I have no problem falling asleep, but after four and a half hours, I wake up and that's all," she said.

"If I go to the movies or the theater, I start to fall asleep because I'm so tired, which is why I go to heavy metal concerts, you can not go!"

"I do not want to live like this"


Vlogger Georgia has become "completely dependent" on sleeping pills

Vlogger Georgia hides her insomnia from the world and does most of the work on her online fashion business at night. She said that she is completely dependent on sleeping pills.

"I had stopped a week taking pills and I was hospitalized," she said.

"I want them to leave, I do not want to live like that, what will happen to me, will I continue to descend in this spiral?"

Watch The insomniacs on BBC One Wales on Tuesday 14 May at 22:35 or catch up on BBC iPlayer.


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