Person in their 50s dead and 36 new cases of COVID-19 – Redhead black belt


Covid purple level

Humboldt County resident has died with COVID-19 and 36 new cases of COVID-19 were reported today. One previously recorded case was incorrectly reported as positive due to a lab error, and another was determined to be a duplicate, so the total number of county residents who tested positive is 2,427.

The deceased individual was in his fifties. Dr Ian Hoffman, Humboldt County Health Officer, expresses his condolences to all families who have been affected by the virus, and he noted that this loss has hit particularly close to their homes because of the close connection his family maintained with the deceased. “We should all do our part to limit the additional infections caused by COVID-19 and hopefully avoid further loss of life from this virus until the vaccine is more widely available,” he said. -he declares.

Dr Hoffman added that the Moderna vaccine batch whose distribution has been suspended by the state is still under investigation by the California Department of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the manufacturer.

Dr Hoffman said that while this hiatus has delayed the administration of a significant number of doses allocated to Humboldt County, efforts to build local immunization capacity continue.

Covid vaccination

Emergency Services Director Ryan Derby is hosting a mass swearing-in of 19 volunteer vaccinators for the county on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

On Tuesday, 19 more disaster service workers were sworn in as volunteer vaccinators, for a total of 40 in the past week. “This pandemic has touched us all and it will take us all to get out of it,” Dr Hoffman said. “I would like to warmly thank all these volunteers who mobilized to meet the needs of the community.

Volunteers are always needed. Those interested in volunteering can call the Community Information Line at 707-441-5000 or send an email [email protected] for more information.

For the most recent information on COVID-19, visit or Local information is available at or during business hours by contacting [email protected] or by calling 707-441-5000.

Local COVID-19 vaccine information:
Humboldt County COVID-19 Data Dashboard:
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