1 in 3 Americans has prediabetes: are you among them? Discover with this test


If you think that the fact that you feel good does not prevent you from prediabetes, you are mistaken. 1 in 3 Americans suffer from this disease and only 10% of them know it. Could you be between them? The "You Could Have a Prediabetes" campaign, from the American Medical Association, invites you to ask yourself this question and, most importantly, to answer it by means of a simple online test that determines your risk.

"Our goal with this campaign is to help more than 84 million Americans with prediabetes to find out if they have prediabetes and encourage them to see their doctor as soon as possible to find out if they are at risk, "said Barbara L. McAneny, president of the American Medical Association (AMA).

Pre-diabetes is when blood glucose is above normal, but not high enough to diagnose type 2 diabetes. If this condition is not treated, it can progress to diabetes.

The good news is that although some risk factors prediabetes as age or genetics can not be controlled, many others are exercising and improving their diet. Some studies have shown that a weight loss between 5 and 7% could prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.

"Often, prediabetes can be reversed and type 2 diabetes can be prevented by losing weight, eating healthier and doing more physical activity"Says Ann Albright, director of the diabetes division at the CDC.

"Men and women with prediabetes can reduce their risk when they participate in a CDC-recognized national diabetes prevention program, scientifically proven programs to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes."

What is my risk of prediabetes?

Your risk of prediabetes increases if:

  • You have a family history of prediabetes.
  • You are over 40 years old.
  • You are overweight
  • You have had gestational diabetes or high blood sugar during pregnancy.
  • You have hypertension.
  • You are Hispanic, African American, Asian or Native American.

To get a clearer idea, enter this link and take the test online.

I had a high score on the test, what should I do?

Go to the doctor who will perform a blood glucose test. If the values ​​of A1C are between 5.7 and 6.4 you have prediabetes Another useful test for diagnosis is that of fasting glucose. A result between 100 and 125 mg / dl it is considered prediabetes. In the case of the oral test of glucose tolerance, if the result is between 140 and 199 mg / dL We consider that you are prediabetes.

Is prediabetes reversible?

If detected early, it can often be reversed. You should only eat much healthier, exercise and manage your stress. To do this properly, it is ideal to participate in the National Diabetes Prevention Program.

What foods to include in your diet and what to avoid if you are diabetic


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