10 years of the App Store: radiography of our downloads



The App Store is 10 years old.


The App Store of the Apple App Store arrived in 2008. Exactly 10 years ago, this important milestone was defining some of the way we consume content each and every day.

The application analysis site and its behavior over time, App Annie, has produced a report in which it indicates how our habits have changed when downloading apps, as well as the behavior of the app. money that we usually spend on them. For example, in 2011, when Apple introduced application subscriptions and started generating a larger business across the store, Documents to Go was the application that generated the most money, to be able to download and edit documents on the iPhone

In an X-ray of 2017, the applications that were in the top three positions in terms of revenue from the App Store were: [19659007] 2011 : Documents to Go, QuickOffice, Navigon Europe

  • 2012: Comic Books, Badoo, QuickOffice
  • 2013: Radio Pandora, Line, Zoosk
  • 2014: ] Pandora Radio, Line, Zoosk
  • 2015: Spotify, Radio Pandora, HBO Now
  • 2016: Spotify, Netflix, Line
  • 2017: Netflix, Tencent Video , Tinder
  •   img2057.png

    Facebook is the application most s downloaded from all the time in the social network.


    The most downloaded applications of all time

    The world of the application has changed, including the launch of free applications for document management such as Google Drive Suite or iWork Suite. # 39; Apple. The report also tells us which have been the most downloaded applications of all time without taking into account video games: Facebook, Facebook Messenger, YouTube, Instagram and WhatsApp Messenger are in the top 5.


    Most downloaded payment applications

    For internal payment applications, Netflix is ​​in the lead, followed by Spotify, Pandora Radio, Tencent Video and Tinder. These are the applications on which we are spending the most money today.

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    The video game with more The income of all time on the App Store is 'Clash of Clans'.


    Video games, a world apart

    When it comes to video games, App Annie explains that although games only account for 31% of downloads, they account for 75% of user spending in The App Store

    Only in 2017, 30.5 billion downloads of different titles were made, which generated revenues of 42.5 billion US dollars throughout the year. In this area while Candy Crush Saga is the most downloaded video game of all time, it is Clash of Clans in which players spend more.

    Most downloaded video games

    Shock of the clans

    Shock of the clans

    Subway Surfers

    Candy Crush Saga

    Ninja Fruit

    Monster Strike

    Shock of the Clans [19659037] Puzzle and Dragons

    Honor of Kings

    Honor of Kings

    The United States is still the country where most applications are downloaded and where the money is spent, followed closely by China . Japan, the United Kingdom and Australia are the other three countries that spend the most on the App Store.

    Between July 2010 and December 2017, more than 170,000 million downloads have been made since the App Store and users have spent more than Happy Birthday, App Store.


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