2018 lunar eclipse in Aquarius: how will you feel it in the body – 25/07/2018


On July 27, there will be a total lunar eclipse with the maximum that can be seen from the Indian Ocean (according to NASA). The Earth's satellite can be seen with a reddish hue, which is why it is also called "red moon" . Because? The Earth's atmosphere, which extends about 80 kilometers beyond the diameter of our planet, will act as a lens that deflects sunlight and effectively filters its blue components, so that only the red light will pass through. The entire phase of the eclipse will last 1 hour and 42 minutes, making it the longest of the 21st century

Where can it be seen?

From East Africa, the eclipse can be seen in its entirety, and from Western Europe (Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, France or Italy), only the second part of the eclipse can be observed with the moon beginning to dawn on the horizon. It is the second winter season of our hemisphere. In July, we had a partial solar eclipse (July 12) and we will have a third sun, also partial, which will occur on [11août1945] (19459003) (at 18 degrees) of Leo )

  The eclipses of July 2018: all we need to learn eclipse from July 2018

The eclipses of July 2018: all we have to learn eclipses July 2018

From astrology

During this total eclipse of the full moon, the orbits of the sun and the moon come together, producing this very particular phenomenon. The fourth year of Aquarius is the zodiacal place where it is produced, affecting in particular the second decanate of Aquarius and Leo (also, indirectly, to Scorpion [19659009Taurus).

Devitalization, feelings exacerbated (especially in this full moon that directly affects the body's waters), revelations, situations of "spells" or "tours" that come then to show us something, Special dreams or, conversely, the Insomnia are some of its potential effects. The mind treats new information for the soul, and while eclipses are produced by sequences every six months and are linked, each is special.

For example, a full moon eclipse will particularly affect the Cancerians because the moon is its rule. The emotions for them, can be particularly explosive.

This eclipse occurs next to the Lunar Nodes, in Aquarius and Leo, so that karmic themes with their own identity are removed. With the planet Mars, god of war, initiative and action, retrograde in Aquarius next to the moon, there may be an anxious lack of control. Sexual libido can increase, because Mars immediately bears everything on the body. How to record new physical memories in new contexts? And Uranus, in tending opposition with a square of Taurus, can electrify us and lead us to do or say things that we will regret later. Everything is fast, everything is crazy, everything is different. Especially because the same day of the eclipse, Mercury initiates a phase of demotion and words must be thought not to be born of self or injured self-esteem.

The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century and the red moon, how does it affect us?

The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century and the red moon, how does this affect us?

According to the astrologer Patricia Kesselman, that is "unexpected and surprising combination that can cause all kinds of accidents due to negligence., Carelessness and unpredictability." This combination is associated with fire, firearms, electricity, electronic and mechanical objects, means of transportation such as aviation, trains, automobiles, all kinds of machines and tools, and It also synchronizes with problems of authority, violence and intolerance, and people influenced by this combination should be particularly attentive and relaxed as much as possible. "

  The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century and the red moon, how does this affect us?

The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century and the red moon, how does it affect us?

According to the astrologer Mia Astral this eclipse represents a "grand finale", associated with the fact that full moons are highlights of the month that occurs month after month. month "Before the fear of the new, and the desire to stay in uncomfortable comfort, do not forget to ask: What do I want to continue to support that instead of creating something once again, but the resistance we put before the changes, and life is full of it. "

But back to karmic. What is karmic? A situation to which we go around without finding a solution. This prevents us from going to a more powerful, personal and individualized destination. Situations of the ancestral tree that are repeated and with which we can not cut. Toxic habits that we would like to leave behind. An unbearable mental dialogue, what does he say? Let's take note and try to unmask our own obstacles

As at every apparent end of a fixture (only for an hour, and in this case a little longer, "the longest in history") it is ideal to work with emotions, because the moon in Aquarius gives the opportunity to deprogram the usual and create new connections. Go to new feelings, whatever they are, intuitive where the soul wants to go, follow his clues and signals with more instinct than reason.