3 classic games that went from the board to the screen



By: Luis Padilla | 10-07-18

Before the advent of video games and early consoles, the most popular games that most of us played to have fun with friends or family were board games and card games.

Board games as famous as Monopoli, Scrabble or Chess served to unite the generations around a table and have fun, something that has certainly been lost in most homes. On the other hand, card games have also been affected by the digital revolution in the video game sector, although they have not experienced as much decline as the games mentioned above. above

. the classics will disappear in favor of video games? Not at all! The classic games have been able to reinvent themselves and adapt to new formats and, most of them, have gone from a game to a part of Facebook or an application for your smartphone. Then we leave you with some examples:

The Parchís

Who does not know this popular board game? The parchís is one of the games we have all played, at least once in our life. Four players face each other with their respective chips of different colors and a dice that tells them how many squares must advance on the board. Whoever manages to take all his chips on the last box wins the game.

Today, we can play parchment online on our computer or on our mobile or tablet through platforms like Playspace.com. Now, you do not need to gather three other people to play a Parcheesi game; Just turn on your computer or mobile phone and start some of the thousands of games that are online right now. What do you want to play against your friends? Very easy, sign up with your Facebook account and match them to a game.

El Domino

Domino is another popular board game that has brought together generations. In fact, it is one of the oldest table games that exist.

Many of you will surely have played a game of dominoes against your parents, your grandparents or your friends. Although they can play multiple players, it is normal to play between two people, who must place their rectangular tiles on the table by matching the number of the last card launched by their opponent. Who finishes before the chips win the game.

In the same way as before, today we can play a game of dominoes at the time and place we want, since we can download the game on our smartphone or play at home (or at work, without the boss sees us) with our computer.

El Bingo

Bingo, as well as casino games, saw a large millionaire industry emerge as a result of its transition from the physical world to the digital world.

There are thousands of casino platforms and online bingo that has emerged on the Internet in the last 10 years; and it 's that there are so many players who opt for these types of games by looking for some online entertainment by trying their luck to make money, as the numbers of people who are trying to make money are better. business of these companies do not stop to multiply the year after the year

Still, one 's not always the wallet able to spend money on the bingo cards. For this reason, free gaming platforms like Playspace have focused on providing free bingo games, so we can all play games without thinking about money.

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