38% of Colombian users are cell phone dependents | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


It seems that the balance between personal life and the use of a mobile phone does not exist. This is shown by an analysis conducted by the Motorola company among its users in Colombia, which allowed it to determine that 38% of them are dependent on mobile phones.

According to the results of the test, the trend is clear: 33% of users have recognized that their ideal companion in the bathroom is their mobile phone. "

Without a doubt, over the past 10 years, the presence of cell phones in everyday life has changed the way citizens interact with the world … .and this is not in vain, because clearly the smartphone offers tools that make life easier, and that in addition to serving the basic mode of communication, offer opportunities to organize every day, are bridges to make bank transfers, and that say selfies, catches of those unforgettable moments, among many other benefits.

The concern of how the users of this technology understand it, was the reason for Motorola to undertake the #Phonelifebalance global campaign through a test He wanted to identify how dependent we are on our mobile devices.


According to the company in Colombia, Twenty-four thousand users between the ages of 10 and 70 Years of age participated in the quiz, representing 61% of men and 38% of women. Participating cities include Bogotá, Medellín and Valle del Cauca.

Of the 5 user profiles identified in the study, the most common among Colombians was level 3: phone dependent, with 38%. In this range, users recognize and define when and where to use the phone or not, however, they feel anxious when 10% of the battery remains.

The country's second largest group, with 34.6%, is Level 2: Anxious about the phone, they live with their phone, not on it, and they say they're smartly using it for save time and energy that they could invest in things that really matter to them.


Inside responses that generate the alert are the responses of 69% of Colombian users who confessed that they check their phone for text messages , mail or social networking updates before getting up in the morning, as well as 38% of attendees find it curious to know what would happen during a weekend if they did not have their smartphone .

A problem that arouses curiosity is that 49% of users say that they ignore a text message when they talk to someone.

If this type of results does not worry you, give the answers given by 48% of test participants about preferring not to have sex for a month before losing your smartphone. More than 33% recognize that the smartphone is their best companion in the bathroom, it's more than the 19% who sees it while bathing, and 23% of users say they have checked their smartphone at one time. burial, and 52% of Colombians examine your phone without anything having changed since the last time you saw it.


Phone-Sapiens: 8.73% of Colombian users. They barely use their phone for the basics: make calls; they do not send messages because they find it more convenient to make a call. They have accounts in social networks, although in reality they hardly use it and do not publish. These people do not run the risk that their phone will take control of their lives, because although they consider that mobile is essential in life, they consider that these devices are created to use it as a tool who has the quality to make life simpler

Phone-Consciente: 34.6% of Colombian users
People who are at this level deserve congratulations because they use mobile phones to save time and energy that they could invest in things what really matters to them These people know the value of relationships and how to enjoy them, they know that there are moments to use the phone and others to live in the moment.

Phone-Dependent: 38.42% of Colombian users
they can withstand your phone, they use it in moments of inactivity just because they're there Have near, they feel anxious when their cell phone has 10% battery left. These people are guided by their personal ways, which indicate when and where to use the phone and do not always live it. In fact, it bothers them that their friends are using the phone when they leave, although in reality they may be infected and end up doing the same thing.

Lovers of the phone: 17.76% of Colombian users
People are in the romance known as "They and their phone." Your phone is never turned off, at night you are at your bedside, sometimes you feel multitasking while in reality you are multi-distracted.

Phone-Fanatic: 0.48% of Colombian users
They never stop using their phone, it is the first thing they check In the morning, before falling asleep, they find themselves even looking at him without knowing what they would do. Separate yourself from your mobile, even for a few minutes, he says. It's a negative reality because the relationship with mobiles eclipses the precious relationship they have with their family and friends.


In Latin America, more than 126,000 people performed test, and in countries such as Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru, users could find out how the relationship with their phone is going. A curious fact is that 54% of these Latin Americans would be willing to give up their smartphone for a month, rather than sex. Although this also means that almost half, prefer the opposite.

On the other hand, we can point out that 15% of Latin American users spend the 24 hours of their day with the smartphone at their fingertips.

65% of Latin American participants check their phone for notifications before getting up in the morning and a big trigger for this anxiety is that their companions do it before them, since over 74% of participants also said they would probably check their cell phone as soon as one of their friends picks up the phone.

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