Starbucks aims to eliminate plastic sorbets by 2020 in all its stores


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09 July 2018

Starbucks aims to eliminate plastic sorbets by 2020 in all its stores

A comprehensive measure is taken as part of the chain commitment to invest 10 million dollars in the development of 100% recyclable glasses.

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Starbucks announced that it will eliminate plastic sorbets for single use in more than 28,000 stores worldwide. These "cañitas" will be replaced by sorbets made with alternative materials (paper and compostable plastic). The retail food and beverage company estimates that this measure will eliminate more than 1,000 million plastic sorbets per year.

The plug that will replace the sorbet will be used in cold drinks of coffee, tea and espresso It is currently available in more than 8,000 stores in the United States and Canada and is being tested in several markets , especially in China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Consumers in Seattle and Vancouver are the first to be implemented, with phases being distributed in the US and Canada that will continue until 2019. In Europe, ceilings will reach select stores in France and in the Netherlands, as well as in the United Kingdom.

Related article Nestlé to pay Starbucks US $ 7.150 million to market its coffee and tea brands

Previously, ] Starbucks has committed US $ 10 million to develop and help launch a fully recyclable and compostable hot beaker on the market through the NextGen Cup Consortium and Challenge.

According to data released in June, cold beverages accounted for more than 50% of Starbucks blend of beverages in the United States, an increase of 37% in just five years.

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