WhatsApp Gold, the new viral scam | Chronic


For all WhatsApp users, be careful as a new scam has started to circulate through the most downloaded app in the world. This is a supposed Gold version of the instant messaging application, which allegedly offers exclusive features and benefits that the original version does not have.

WhatsApp Gold is just another gateway for a virus to do with the user's cell phone information, subscribe fake services and steal confidential data, thus being a case of "phishing" already popular.

In recent days, WhatsApp has announced that it was working on a filter that aims to detect and delete new false The best way to avoid the spread of this type of trap is to ignore the message and not to transfer it.

Moreover, even if blink has been created in the link present in the text, it is important to never install unknown applications. In general, it is recommended not to download the applications that reach us via a chat and not to use the links of strange pages.

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