Fans recreate Street Fighter V with a retro aesthetic


The undeniable nostalgic love for those pixelated fighters that accompanied our childhood materializes in this retro remake of the latest installment of Street Fighter

Many of us grew up throwing ourselves Hadoukens ] "And virtually clutching us with our best friends thanks to the deliveries of Nintendo Entertainment System of Street Fighter . For some users this feeling and the unique love for these pixilated figures has not been overcome by the modern and recent instances of the franchise for the current consoles, that is why they decided to do it. adapt the characters and gameplay of Street Fighter V and convert them into classic and familiar pixelated graphics.

We already have two demonstration videos where we can appreciate characters who never appeared in the first opus as Menat, Necalli, Rashid, Ed or Kolin . These characters had to be recreated from scratch for this " remake " (reconstruction) made with the program Mugen .

Street Fighter is a legendary franchise of fighting games which, in many ways, helped shape the modern format of the genre " Fighting Games ". He has been present since 1987 in the arches and has several numbered titles and spin-offs, his latest version is Street Fighter V (2016) for PS4 and PC.

In other news, it was confirmed that Street Fighter V will have a collaboration with Devil May Cry as downloadable content.

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