Facebook Messenger will be able to sync with Instagram


In order to continue to increase the number of users who consume Facebook and Instagram, Mark Zuckerberg wanted to do something so that these two interact with each other, so he developed a synchronization between the two. In this way, Facebook has enabled a feature that allows Facebook Messenger to sync with Instagram so that people can see, write and reply to their messages from the option provided by the " face-book "without having to access the application of photography.

In case you thought that this was still being tested, the truth is that it is already implemented in the accounts of several people, Even you can see it for yourself because all you have to do is go to the People tab in the Facebook Messenger application for iOS or Android and click on the Connect with Instagram option.

If this is the case, an image like the one below will appear, where it will be selected, the same system will indicate that the contacts were successfully imported to Instagram and invite you to greet them just to start a conversation. [19659002]

This new feature will allow third parties to find you on one or the other of social networks, since they will have your number and make it easier to find your contact on the Web, in addition to the fact that Zuckerberg plans to make the most of both.

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Another advantage that this sync might have is that many Facebook Messenger users like Instagram, can increase their number of followers because now they will have people who did not know that it existed until now when you have the profile in both social networks and they can follow each other.

As it seems that this path has been drawn, there will be more changes that relate to Facebook and Instagram, separately or together as was the case here.

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