WhatsApp: "Momo" appears in Minecraft and terrorizes players | viral video games | trends


Terror has come to video games. Although it has already been revealed that & # 39; Momo & # 39; would be a spooky statue and not a demon which you can contact by WhatsApp YouTube just released a video in which you can Enjoy the arrival of this demonic being in the popular game 'Minecraft & # 39 ;.

If you have never heard of "1945" Momo & # 39; before, we tell you a part of the story. It all started a few weeks ago, when a young man posted a distress message, accompanied by a cursed number (+81 3-4510-253), who had WhatsApp and whose profile picture indicated a dreadful creature.

YOU CAN SEE WhatsApp: is this the episode of the "Rose of Guadalupe" that will concern "Momo"? [VIDEO]

The worst of all is that when a user tried to communicate with " Momo " through WhatsApp they were surprised to see that this scary creature was replying to the messages, no matter the

Well, everything seems to indicate that we will have 'Momo'. during a moment; and it is that recently a YouTube video shows that the strange demonic entity came to Minecraft, to torment all the users of this game in 8 bits.

What is it? Well, it's a new mod & # 39; created by the user named MaXxProYT who published his creation on the web portal 9minecraft one of the most known pages to download this type of extensions of the popular 8-bit game, which continues to capture millions of players

And that's not all, since everything indicates that many youtubers shared their experience with a "new" level in which "Momo" seems to take your soul and eliminate you from the game Minecraft.

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