YouTube: Google confirms an error in the platform that affects the world | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


YouTube is one of the most used video platforms in the world because it allows to visualize in exchange all types of audio-visual material of good quality, to see advertisements at the beginning of each video or during this time , a system that keeps the site active because it generates revenue.

The application has received many changes like the bottom navigation bar and a new design. However, in recent days, the bar has an error that affects all users, a situation that Google could already inform millions of users via the social network Twitter.

The problem is that when you try to advance in the timeline, you can not click on at any time – as usual – now we have to slide the ball to the right to transfer videos, which has generated some dislike among users.

Prior to that, the YouTube team worked to solve this problem. that you can go back and forth without having to drag the point, or double tap on the screen.

In other novelties of the famous platform, YouTube has launched the famous hashtag to simplify searches by categories. In this way, using words like # Football, the user will find content related to the sport king.

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