Keiko Fujimori: Jaime Yoshiyama after the "Smurf" of US $ 500,000 from abroad | Policy


As false contributors have been used in Lima and the provinces to launder $ 1 million, there is evidence of the same kind of laundering modality of about half a million dollars transferred from the accounts of the United States. United States, Canada and Europe to the accounts of Force 2011 for the financing of Keiko Fujimori's presidential campaign.

According to sources related to the tax investigation on the case, the strongest indication that there was also "Smurf"Funds of probably illegal origin of foreign origin, it is that the holders of transfers are virtually the same as those who were recruited as fake contributors in the country.

Indeed, among the people who sent money from abroad, include relatives and close friends of the former Secretary General and Campaign Director of Fuerza 2011, Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka or of its main operator, Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki.

According to the confessions of Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki and members of the Fujimorist Congress, Rolando Reátegui Flores and Miguel Castro Grández, among ten other protected witnesses and effective collaborators, Jaime Yoshiyama appealed to family and close friends to give them a "smurf" at the unknown money. For the money laundering prosecutor, José Domingo Pérezit is very likely that the same strategy was applied to obtain funds from abroad.

For this reason, the Prosecutor Perez signed the provision n ° 89 of November 22 in which he resolved to seek assistance from abroad to address the banks from which funds had been transferred. in order to trace if the origin of the money was lawful.

This is a total of 24 transfers for 492 thousand 248 dollars.

The same game

Of this amount, the largest contributions correspond specifically to family members and persons close to Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka, who is still in the United States, however, Judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho has already summoned a summons for 36 months.

The list is headed by Korean wife Joon Lim Lee, the wife of Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki, with $ 65,000 handing over from the Wells Fargo Bank of the United States.

In addition, Carol and Miguel Blanco Matsuno, son of former Fujimorist Congressman Carlos Blanco Oropeza, with whom Jaime Yoshiyama has close ties, are registered. The two brothers each transferred $ 50,000 from the Bank of Nova Scotia (Scotiabank), Canada, and the Caixa Bank (La Caixa), Barcelona, ​​respectively. Carlos Blanco He was part of the campaign team led by Jaime Yoshiyama in 2011.

Óscar Moritani Kutsuma, the partner of Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki, the nephew of Jaime Yoshiyama, who received $ 800,000 in cash to wash them by means of the country's "smurf", sent from a Citibank account in New York 49,000,950 dollars.

According to sources related to the tax investigation, Juan Luna Frisancho, an extremely important foreign contributor, records two transfers of a total amount of $ 75,000 900 on his account at Bank of America.

Friend of Keiko Fujimori, partner and former employee of Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka and Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki, Juan Luna Frisancho is also linked to an alleged case of money laundering in the 2016 presidential campaign. By the way, Juan's father Luna, Carlos Luna Venero is imputed in the same case because his contribution of 64 000 812 soles would also be simulated.

Other parents of Jaime Yoshiyama Pedro Motonishi, a member of the family of his wife María Sasaki Motonishi-, who paid $ 9,440 from his account at Wells Fargo Bank, is entangled in the smurf from the outside. Joanna Sasaki of Bank of America donated a similar amount: $ 9,000,305. And his cousin Melissa Keiko Sasaki made a similar contribution from JP Morgan Chase Bank in New York: $ 9,000,455.

Prosecutor Perez also requested information on foreigners Deborah L. Jaffe, who paid $ 19,950 into an account at Bank of America; Osamu Miyamoto, who transferred $ 3,000 from JP Morgan Chase Bank to New York; and Mitsumori Tokuo, 11 thousand 965 dollars from Wells Fargo Bank.

Faulty memory

And with them, the Peruvian Juan Lizarzaburu Lizarzaburu, which donated $ 10,000,586 from a US branch of Deutsche Bank.

In order to establish their real or simulated names, the Money Laundering Office will request information on a group of companies or entities that have made contributions from abroad. Force 2011, such as:

-Kotobuki Sus Ho Co. Ltd: 22 thousand 800 dollars from Deutsche Bank.

-Takagi Co. Ltd: 45 thousand 500 dollars from Deutsche Bank.

-School First FCU: 9 thousand 460 dollars from the Bank of New York.

-Seki Furniture Co. Ltd: $ 6,000,099 from the Tokyo Bank Mitsubishi.

-Pan American Nikkei: 9 thousand 965 dollars from Wells Fargo Bank.

– Fujimoristas Unidos USA: $ 8,000,857 from Citibank in New York.

-Caribe Cellular: $ 5,000 from Wells Fargo Bank.

-Andean Sun Produce Inc .: $ 25,000 from Wells Fargo Bank.

What draws the attention of the authorities is that Jaime Yoshiyama When he was questioned on January 4, 2018 about his relatives who financially contributed to the campaign he led in 2011, he lost his memory.

"I do not remember that close relatives made contributions," he replied.

And at the request of his nephew Jorge Yoshiyama and his wife Joon Lim Lee, he said that they knew that they had donated long after the end of the presidential campaign: "After the 2011 campaign , the media had announced that my nephew's wife (Joon Lim Lee) had made a contribution.

At that time, the version circulated that Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka was the real owner of the money and used his family and friends as fake contributors to finance the campaign. The former fujimorista general secretary denied: "I take this opportunity to declare that the press would have disclosed that these contributions would have been made by myself, but divided by family members.This is totally false They are major and professional, they decide their activities and their donations according to their criteria ".

Ten months later, now that Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki betrayed his uncle claiming that he had given him $ 800,000 to "sneak" them with fake contributors into the country, Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka alters the version and alleges that the funds belonged to businessman Juan Rassmuss Echecopar.

On November 12, Jorge Yoshiyama Sasaki confessed that his uncle had ordered him to launder $ 800,000 with fake contributors, but only mentioned the extent of Peru. Prosecutor Perez again cited it, so this time he indicates which donations were transferred from foreign banks and if, in this case, the money was also provided by Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka. Nothing is missing to finish putting in place the puzzle of money laundering committed by Fujimori in 2011.

The data

– without food. The version of Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka, according to which the money he gave to his nephew comes from businessman Juan Rassmuss Echecopar, has no foundation. So, why wash these funds if they were legal?

– Contradiction. Jaime Yoshiyama states that Rassmuss gave him money in coins, but his nephew Jorge Yoshiyama He noted that his uncle kept all the money in a safe in his residence.


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