A lawyer claims that Yoshiyama brought a "mental disk" of contributions | Politics


Former general secretary of Fuerza 2011 (today Fuerza Popular-FP) Jaime Yoshiyama Tanaka he would not have any documents proving the contribution of 800,000 USD that he would certainly have received from businessman Juan Rassmuss Echecopar for the election campaign of Keiko Fujimori of 2011.

His lawyer, Humberto Abanto, said that, for the time being, his sponsored has only a "mental record". So they started to rebuild "the line" left by Rassmuss to withdraw the money from their accounts and hand it over to Yoshiyama.

"He kept a mental record of deliveries […] because up here; he who is an orderly person who keeps track of things; he does not have it at hand. Most likely, he has not kept track of these deliveries, "he said.

Abanto stated that the reason why Rassmuss' alleged contribution was recently revealed – deceased in 2016 – is due to the fact that Yoshiyama He promised the businessman to keep the secret.

However, he said that by "extreme" respect for his word, his client "has caused distress to a group of his supporters who are going through a very difficult situation."

The lawyer alluded to the preventive prison put in place by the PF leader, Keiko Fujimori.

Giulliana Loza, Fujimori's lawyer, told El Comercio that her sponsor "did not know" everything that was revealed by Yoshiyama.

"This is the acknowledgment that the Lord is making.We welcome the fact that he did it, but we would have liked to do it before because Ms. Fujimori is already in prison for 26 days," said Loza.

He pointed out that it will be Yoshiyama who must prove the origin of the money, which "would be anyway lawful".

-A question of strategy-
This new version provided by Yoshiyama He was caught with tweezers by criminal law experts. Lawyer Luis Lamas Puccio has questioned the appropriateness of the alleged disclosure.

"The question is why he is saying it now and not before, then the weight of his version falls on someone who has already died, and it is not possible to corroborate it, for me it is not credible and it does not matter. is not credible that, with the trust I had with Keiko Fujimori, I would not have told him about the origin of this money, "he said.

For the criminal Carlos Caro, "from the point of view of the procedure, it is a belated declaration". He added that it was "a well-known strategy for blaming the dead man".

"The only word of the Lord Yoshiyama it is not enough to destroy the theory of the case that the prosecution has already consolidated, "he said.

He said that it could be a strategy to alleviate the criminal burden of Keiko Fujimori, by designating her as "a person who knew nothing."

"This could seek to promote it and weaken pre-trial detention now that the appeal to the measure is imminent," he said.

The version of Yoshiyama It also generated reactions in the political sector.

At the Congress of the Republic, the parliamentarian of the Alliance for Progress Gloria Montenegro described the claims of the former Fujimorist Minister of "insult to all Peruvians".

Kambio Peruanos Congressman Sergio Dávila considered them a "novel".

However, PF spokesman Carlos Tubino justified the version of Yoshiyamabecause he argued that he is a person of his word. He criticized the fact that the version of the Brazilian businessman Jorge Barata is more recognized.

"Why not believe it[a[at[un[aJaime Yoshiyama]and yes to Jorge Barata? We are faced here with facts that will have to be demonstrated at the time, if it is a process, "he noted.


Marcelo Odebrecht: "Boosting Keiko 500"

In November 2017, Marcelo Odebrecht told Peruvian prosecutors that he was certain that money had been donated for the campaign. Keiko Fujimori and other political parties in 2011.

He added that he was "increasing Keiko 500" in his diary, that 's because he had deduced that he had already received money before.

Jorge Barata: a million in total

During his interrogation in front of Peruvian prosecutors, the former director of Odebrecht in Peru, Jorge Barata, said that during the first round, he had given 500,000 US dollars to Jaime Yoshiyama and the former fujimorist minister Augusto Bedoya Cámere. Then, in the second round, he gave them another $ 500,000.

More information

Without answer
El Comercio tried to recover the version of Juan Rassmuss Raier, son of Rassmuss Echecopar. However, his assistant reported that he was out of Chile.

"A strategy"
Congressman of Popular Action, Víctor Andrés García Belaunde, said it was hard to believe what the former minister Fujimori says. He added that it was a legal strategy.

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