Mónica Cabrejos: "It is very aggressive to say" the other "to a woman" | Photo 1 of 5 | Shows | Farándula


In the midst of dimes and direts between Isabel Acevedo and Janet Barboza, radio host Monica Cabrejos pronounced and "squared" the popular & # 39; Rulitos & # 39; by saying "the other" to Christian Dominguez's couple.

Cabrejos has come to defend Isabel Acevedo because she points out that this word is shocking for a woman.

In an interview with the Trome newspaper, Mónica Cabrejos said, "I do not think that's right (Janet's statement), in all honesty, I do not know if Karla (Tarazona) is her friend or not. It is very aggressive to say "the other" to a woman. I find that very offensive. I do not think that right now, in the life of Christian (Domínguez), she is the other. They are formal and formal partners. "

However, Mónica said that she loved them both and that she had nothing against them, but she stated that Chabelita's response to Janet's "attack" Was not very smart.

"To say that" the other "is aggressive enough, but that" Chabelita "said that he was not answering Janet because she was a" lady ", that does not seem the smartest ", did he declare.

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