Martín Vizcarra and Sebastián Piñera: Peru and Chile have signed 14 agreements after the second binational government in Santiago | Politics


The governments of Peru and Chile have signed, following the II binational Cabinet that met today in Santiago, 14 agreements reviewed by the President. Martín Vizcarra concrete measures that will become benefits for both countries.

"We have not only discussed and expressed our commitment to achieving a common goal in pursuit of the development of our peoples, sustainable development and with a vision of the future," said the president. Martín Vizcarra.

According to the head of the Peruvian state, development rests on solid foundations, such as the defense of democracy, human rights and the defense of free and international trade.

"All this commitment is not limited to the air. […] 14 agreements. But in addition, it was agreed to honor 133 commitments. That is much more than the commitments made at the Lima meeting in 2017, "said the president. Martín Vizcarra.

The commitments mentioned were taken in the framework of five axes that the President Vizcarra mentioned in his closing speech of the Second Binational Cabinet: Social Affairs and Culture for Integration; security and defense; foreign trade and tourism; energy and mining issues; and development, border integration and infrastructure issues.

In turn, the President of Chile, Sebastián PiñeraHe said relations between the two countries were going through a great moment.

"I wish to propose that we unite our wills and visions to build together the brightest and most inspiring pages of relations between two sister countries, Peru and Chile," said the Chilean president.

The agreements

The first agreement signed between the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion of Peru and the Ministry of Social Development of Chile aims to strengthen bilateral and regional cooperation in order to contribute to the reduction of poverty and the strengthening of social policies. development and social inclusion. .

Another agreement was signed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers of Peru and the General Secretariat of the Presidency of Chile to establish measures to strengthen national policies and efforts to prevent and fight corruption.

An agreement was also signed between the ministries of the interior of the two countries to promote coordination to reduce the distribution of narcotics and the diversion of chemicals used for their preparation and to deal with the problem of drug trafficking. particularly in the border areas of the two countries.

The women's ministries of the two countries sign another agreement to promote cooperation activities for the exchange of information and good practices that contribute to the implementation and monitoring of public policies promoting women's rights. women's rights and the fight against discrimination. violence.

Another agreement between the Ministries of Justice of Peru and Chile aims to promote and strengthen mutual collaboration and the exchange of information and experiences on transparency, modernization of the penal system and penitentiary and access to justice.

An agreement has also been signed between the Ministries of Transport of the two countries to establish a series of cooperation modalities aimed at strengthening the capacity of transport infrastructure.

Among the agreements is a signed statement of intent between the Peruvian and Chilean defense ministries on cooperation in United Nations peacekeeping operations and humanitarian operations.

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