Movadef: the judiciary acquits leaders accused of pleading for terrorism


The judiciary has today acquitted the leaders of Movadef, a defense group for the Shining Path, the crime of apologizing for terrorism.

The absolutes are Alfredo Crespo, Oswaldo Esquivel and Alberto Mego (who fled the Peruvian justice in France.), according to Peru 21.

The judge who determined this decision was Lorenzo Llave, Collegiate E of the National Penal Chamber.

The order of Public minister it was 12 years in prison and the payment of a joint civil damages of 100,000 soles.

To the mentioned leaders of the Movadef they were accused of excuses for terrorism for the publication of the "Marxist Leninist Journal Amnesty General General", which propagated the ideology of violence.

In your social networks, Movadef reports on the decision to Legal authority with reference to Alfredo Crespo.

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