Fight: Isabel Acevedo left the set and cried after Ducelia Echevarría joined her team | The reality | Video | Shows


By decision of the production of & # 39; Combat & # 39 ;, the competitor Ducelia Echevarría went to a vote to find out which team would be in the reality show: "Rojo" or "Verde". However, one of the opponents of her entry into the red team was Isabel Acevedo, because she does not support her and ensures that she does not get involved with the model because of some of the problems they have encountered in space. Entertainment.

Poly Avila It was the person in charge to choose to Ducelia Echevarría and immediately the pair of Christian Domínguez showed its annoyance and indicated that he would leave the reality. Isabel Acevedo went to the locker room and was always uncomfortable because of her partner's decision.

When he returned, Chabelita was angry and started to cry for the moment he was living. "I feel frustrated and unhappy, they've made me … I do not know if that's really their intention, I'm trying to give it all despite my injury. I have the feeling that they have no value, "said Isabel Acevedo in tears in front of the cameras.

He also stated that he spoke to the producer of "Combat", Cathy Sáenz about his discomfort with Ducelia Echevarría. "I understand the logic, but I have already said, I can not bear to be with her, I have endured months, I've talked to Catty and I've told her said I did not want to compete because it was very personal, "she said crying.


For her part, the model is mocked when she saw her crying on the board "Combat". "I do not think I have done anything so bad that it has made you so bad, you are no longer in school … I already know a woman," said Ducelia Echevarría with irony in "Combat".


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