Indecopi: Do you know what kind of fees schools can charge to their students? | PICTURES | Photo 1 of 5 | Economy


Did you know that private schools Are they only allowed to collect monthly income, tuition and pensions? If an educational institution intends to pay other fees in the form of a uniform, additional activities, anniversaries, field trips, extraordinary expenses, among others; you must know your rights and denounce Indecopi following the steps described in this note.

An easy and didactic way to know everything about the skills of the Indecopiit's through the informative firmware "You already know it", of the entity.

On this occasion, Indecopi briefly presents interesting and clear information on private education services.

For example, educational institutions should not be registration feesonly once when the student enters school. The registration, which is an annual payment corresponding to the enrollment of the student must not be greater than the pension; and the monthly pension It does not have to be charged in advance.

In addition, private schools are prohibited from requiring parents other than the aforementioned payments. It is important to note that schools may only require the payment of extraordinary fees with the permission of the Ministry of Education (Minedu).

Moreover, if private schools decided to increase pensions for the following year, according to the Code of Consumer Protection and Defense, they must inform parents of this situation in writing, before the end of the school year and during the registration process.

In the same way, you will have to inform them of the amount, the number and the dates of payment of the pensions.

Another aspect to take into account before enrolling children is to check if the school is duly authorized by the MINEDU.

For this you can enter the service Identicole. It is a platform that allows to know the schools authorized to provide the educational service, as well as the level of education that they can provide (initial, primary or secondary).

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