Venezuelans Seeking Health Care, Big Challenge For Colombia


Pregnant patients, advanced cancers or cases of hemophilia are facing Bucaramanga HUS, which should receive more patients with the same beds.

The University Hospital of Santander must not only watch over the Colombian population that does not pay attention to the EPS, but now faces the great human tragedy of Venezuelans who are looking for attention in Colombia, after not having found the minimum conditions in their country.

"We welcome not only our vulnerable population, but also a population that, unfortunately, has not received help in his country for a long time," says Edgar Julián Niño, director of the hospital.

More delicate is the fact that many of the 1,198 strangers treated until now in 2018 have diseases that no longer exist in Colombia such as malaria, measles, dengue fever, tuberculosis and leishmaniasis, among others .

There are also patients with costly conditions associated with a public SPI, such as hemophilia, advanced cancers and coronary heart disease, among others.

Not to mention pregnant women who take long trips from the neighboring country in search of care for themselves and their babies.

This latter population represents 71% of patients treated in Santander.

Faced with this new situation, the hospital accumulates debts of nearly $ 3 billion.

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