Keiko Fujimori | The judiciary prevented Mark Vito Villanella from leaving the country


First preparatory investigation court of the National Criminal Court, in charge of the judge Richard Concepcion Carhuancho, said the request for impediment to leave the country for 36 months was justified Mark Vito Villanellahusband of Keiko Fujimori, informed his lawyer Giulliana Loza via your Twitter account.

"We have just been informed of this arbitrary decision that we will appeal, once again, an injustice is committed against the Fujimori family," he wrote.

At the hearing on November 21, Perez Gomez He claimed that the researcher had concealed from the Office of the Prosecutor information concerning a 1,035 square meter plot of land in the La Quebrada Luxury condominium in Cieneguilla, information that would not be recorded in the public records. 9 of Block "N" Lomas de la Chutana, Chilca District (Cañete), for which he paid the sum of $ 178,937.

For the Office of the Prosecutor, it was necessary to impose the above-mentioned measure, as due diligence had to be exercised, particularly with regard to accounting and graphic skills, the recognition of documents, the lifting of bank secrecy, the extension of the declaration of the wanted persons.

In turn, Loza Avalos argued that the prosecutor's request should be declared unfounded, as the number of elements of conviction is insufficient and the facts imputed to his accused do not constitute a crime.

The defense of Mark Vito Villanella He emphasized that the presence of his sponsor was not necessary to carry out the outstanding investigation and that the period requested was not proportional to the magnitude of the facts on which the investigation had carried.

"My crime is to be Keiko's husband"

During his arguments, Mark Vito qualified the prosecutor's request Domingo Perez as a persecution. He repeated that he had no intention of withdrawing and defending his wife. "If my crime is to be Keiko's husband, sentence me to death"he said.

Vito Villanella He explained that the lands of Chilca he had acquired as a natural person with money from his work, being an economically solvent person, while the purchase and sale of land Cieneguilla was not finalized on the ground that he had transferred his rights to a third party.

Read the complete resolution on the impediment to leave the country against Mark Vito:

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