Ollanta Humala: Luz Salgado changes opinion on the seizure of the home of the former president and Nadine Heredia | Policy


Fuerza Popular congressman Luz Salgado spoke to demand the revocation of the seizure of the houses of Ollanta Humala and Nadine Heredia, considering that it was an "abuse" judge, Judge Richard Concepcion Carhuancho. However, his position has changed compared to his statements made several months ago on the court decision.

On her Twitter account, the parliamentarian, also secretary general of the Fujimorist party, said that the decision of the First National Criminal Appeal Chamber was "correct".

"It seems to me that sending Ollanta and Nadine back to the house where she lives with her children is the right thing to do, because it was an abuse determined by the judge. property, "said Salgado in Peru 21.

Your opinion against the order of Concepción Carhuancho He completely changed his expression in May of this year, when he did not reject the magistrate's decision to seize the residences located in Surco and Lurin.

At that time, Luz Salgado noted that the order of the judiciary The work done by the prosecutor's office was based on the evidence found.

"We saw the seizure, that's part of the work, producing the findings that were made. Public minister It contains a lot of information, "said the Orange congressman at the time.

The position against the measure is given in a context in which the judge Richard Concepción Carhuancho He pronounced 36 months of pre-trial detention against Keiko Fujimori and other people involved, such as Vicente Silva Checa, Pier Figari, Ana Herz, Luis Mejia Checa and Jaime Yoshiyama.

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