2018 Referendum | ONPE: How to submit a waiver or justification for not being a member of the council? | DNI | suffrage table | The society


For this December 9th, during the development of the 2018 referendum, the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) determined that the members of the table are the same as those chosen in the last municipal elections of October.

Thus, once again, these citizens were chosen to fulfill the civic duty of properly executing the voting process from the polling station.

It should not be forgotten that the position of board member is non-binding and mandatory. There is therefore a monetary penalty for those who do not attend the day of the 2018 Referendum. However, there is a waiver for those who can not fill the order that day.

What are the reasons why I can submit a waiver or justification for not being a member of the board of directors in the 2018 referendum?

According to the portal of the Peruvian State, there are a series of reasons and justifications for which a citizen can excuse himself for not being member of the board election day like the 2018 referendum.

These reasons of force majeure are the following:

To be over 70

Severe physical or mental impairment

Need to travel abroad.

To be an official and employee of the organizations composing the electoral system (JNE, ONPE and Reniec).

Be a political authority and a member of municipal councils.

Integrate the steering committees of political parties, independent groups and registered alliances in the JNE (in the case of the election of authorities).

Be a spouse and a relative of the second degree of consanguinity or affinity of the candidates who reside in the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction where you vote (in case of election of the authorities).

In the same portal, it is indicated in which cases it is due and should not be paid. In those who pay, the cost is S / 21.60 for exemption and S / 21.80 for justification. To make the payment, the person concerned must go to one of the offices of the National Electoral Council in Lima, in the decentralized offices of the JNE in the provinces or in any organization of the Bank of the World. In the latter case, they must provide the code 01465 to the window.

Once we have the right one, we have to enter the portal of JNE, select the fines we need to provide or justify, fill out the form with our personal information and indicate the reason we are proceeding.

The JNE will issue a response within the next business days. We must therefore remain vigilant if there are comments to correct.

How much is the fine for not having served on the council in the 2018 referendum?

Since the work of member of the board It is mandatory, there is a fine that applies to those who do not go to the polling station to perform this task.

The amount increases to S / 207.50, which will be added to the sanction previously applicable for not having attended the vote. The latter is determined by the poverty level of the district in which he is paid.

So we have to:

Neighborhood considered Not poor: 83 soles

Neighborhood considered Poor not extreme: 41,50 soles

District considered extremely poor: 20.75 soles

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