Petro-Peru denounces cutting of Norperuano gas pipeline in Morona district | Peru | Loreto


The state company Petro-Peru reported a new attack on the Norperuano pipeline, this time at kilometer 193, in Morona District, 500 meters from the community of Mayuriaga, in Loreto.

In a press release last night, Petro-Peru affirms that the families of this region "have materialized the threat that they left in writing in Memorial signed on November 20, 2018, dissatisfied with the results of the last municipal elections in this district".

It should be recalled that more than a week ago, a group of people from communities near the Morona station of the Norperuano pipeline entered these facilities and detained 20 workers as hostages for four days.

They claimed to have taken this step in protest against alleged irregularities in the district of Morona on 7 October, the day of the regional and municipal elections.

As, Petro-Peru He said that after learning of this new cut in the pipeline, he had activated an emergency plan to locate the place of the attack. He added that members of the Mayuriaga community did not allow the company's staff to repair the pipeline and contain the oil spill.

Petro-Peru requests the intervention of the National Police and the Public Prosecutor's Office.

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