new alliance with Ikea in view



The mobile division of Xiaomi generates benefits, although it is not its main economic support. Chinese society has an almost infinite catalog of products, among which are authentic jewels related to home automation. In recent months, we've seen a strong commitment from Xiaomi to artificial intelligence, an artificial intelligence that goes far beyond mobile technology.

The Internet of Things and AI seemed to go hand in hand, and Xiaomi is looking for new alliances to improve its products related to these concepts.. New information points to an alliance with IKEA giant, without much detail about the deal, though it's not too hard to guess where are the shots going.

Xiaomi and IKEA, the new era of home automation

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<p>With a new voice assistant already prepared -XiaoAI- and an unstoppable annual growth, Xiaomi is ready to make the big jump home. According to the signature <strong>have the biggest platform IoT of today</strong>, above Amazon, Apple, Samsung and even Google. <strong>Xiaomi invests in companies related to smart hardware development</strong>, preparing the jump to the technologies of the future.</p>
<p>On the official channel of, we were able to obtain information on <strong>a new partnership between Xiaomi and IKEA</strong>, the Swedish giant known for providing furniture and household products to a large part of the world. No details have been given about this agreement, but the logic suggests that <strong>Xiaomi home automation products will begin to be sold at IKEA</strong>as well as possible agreements for the creation of exclusive products.</p>
<p>To be like that, <strong>The expansion of Xiaomi would start to be unstoppable</strong>and finally, their home automation products would start to play an important role in international sales – a phenomenon that is already beginning to be the case, but which remains limited by the distribution of these products.</p>
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