Chorrillos: the young woman who was stabbed by her partner is dead | Lima | Events


The Ministry of Women's Affairs and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) confirmed the death of Andrea Rivera Sánchez, 25, who was stabbed by his partner at night, a Venezuelan citizen identified as Giab Piero Castro Gouveya, 38 years old.

The young woman was in the trauma unit of the emergency hospital José Casimiro Ulloa because of the deep cuts that she underwent during the attack, occurred in the presence of his two children aged 3 and 7 inside his house in Chorrillos.

The aggressor, who attempted suicide with a poison after committing the brutal assault, is also at the aforementioned hospital in custody. The hospital reported that the subject had undergone gastric lavage and was stable.

Through Twitter, the MIMP and the Office of the Ombudsman have condemned the new case of femicide arrived in the country. "We demand that Piero Castro Gouveya, his aggressor, be severely punished," said the office of the mediator.

At the same time, a special protection unit (PSU) meets with the victim's son and daughter to ensure the defense of their rights. The miners are emotionally restrained by specialists, the ministry said.

From January to October of this year, they registered 119 feminicides in the country. This figure represents a 20% increase in cases compared to the same period of 2017, according to MIMP statistics.

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