Chinese scientist says he has two babies genetically modified to resist HIV


Controversy in science. A Chinese scientist called He jiankui he claimed to have genetically modified two babies, called Lulu and Ana, are immunized against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

The research has not been published in any specialized journal to be analyzed by experts around the world and this action has been called into question by "lack of ethics"

The South University of Science and Technology, where the Chinese scientist studied, issued a statement showing "deeply shocked" because "they were not aware of this research project and its nature" due to the fact that He jiankui never warned of his experimentation.

In this sense, the university center "believes that the behavior of the doctor He jiankui the use of CRISPR / Cas9 to edit human embryos has seriously violated ethical and academic codes of conduct. "

The controversy arose after the video posted on YouTube by He jiankui, who says that Lulu and Ana "were born in recent weeks in excellent health".

According to the Chinese scientist, the father of girls, born of artificial insemination, is a carrier of HIV and he never thought that he could have children in good health.

He Jiankui said that with his research and his experiments, he was not trying to "improve the intelligence" or "change the color of the eyes", but rather to: create healthy children. "may be the only way to cure an illness"He said.

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