Pariona about the Mamani case: questions were asked that hold the victim responsible


The parliamentarian of New Peru, Tania Pariona, Wednesday criticized the fact that the Ethics Commission quote the worker from an airline that filed the complaint against Moises Mamani by touching unduly.

In statements to the press, the legislator stated that during the closed session of the working group held this afternoon, the complainant's questions were misplaced. He added that only the airline worker had been revictimized.

"It is not possible that the flight attendant has been summoned, so that in this ethics committee a liability card is created with questions that do not give rise to (…) The flight attendant had already made her statement verbally and in writing and it was quite clear.


The legislator has stated that the protocols or law 30664 guaranteeing the integrity of the victims have not been respected. He added that the revictimization practice should be eliminated so as not to weaken trust.

"What has been committed is a revictimization of the victim, which should be avoided. Many women who are asked again and again at the police station, the public prosecutor 's office, the women' s emergency center know that this is not correct and that even this weakens the confidence."

Working group session

The Ethics Commission of the Congress of the Republic met behind closed doors on Wednesday afternoon for the case of Mamani, who was charged with being touched by an airline employee.

The working group chaired by parliamentarian Janet Sánchez (Peruvians for Kambio) received the testimony of the flight attendant from Latam, who requested that the session be held in camera. The witness statement will also be received.

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