They capture marks that shot women near UNT | TRUJILLO | L & # 39; industry


After a fierce persecution, members of the National Police (PNP) captured two alleged "marks" involved in the assault of two women who had previously withdrawn money from a Banco Continental agency. In total, four subjects on board two motorcycles participated in the event.

The detainees have been identified as Danny Junior Minchola Avalos, aka & # 39; Little Danny & # 39; and VManuel García Llajaruna, aka & # 39; Popeye & # 39 ;. According to La Libertad-Áncash police chief, César Vallejos Mori, both were in requisition. The first is accused of belonging to a criminal organization, the second is accused of illegal possession of firearms.

According to the PNP, the victims had withdrawn money from the agency located in the papal oval. The subjects followed two blocks and the robbery took place at the intersection of San Martin Avenue and Francisco Solano Street, in the urb. St. Andrew. One of the women would have resisted and one of the criminals did not hesitate to shoot him in the left arm.

After committing the flight, they began the flight. After informing the PNP, the persecution began, and with the participation of Divicaj staff, El Alambre and foot patrols, two of the four marks were captured.

Part of the money has been recovered, informed Vallejos Mori. S / 4,300 one of the victims, a firearm and a firearm provided with three ammunition.

The injury was transferred to Lazarte Hospital, where she has already been released. The detainees remain in the San Andrés Police Complex.

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