The left benches withdrew during the exhibition of Pedro Chávarry | Video | Policy


Tolerance This afternoon, during the Plenary session, various authorities supported the budget of their institutions for the year 2019. Among the people who spoke, included the prosecutor of the Nation, Pedro Chávarry. This participation was not to the taste of the Left Bank who made a radical decision.

Shortly after the end of his presentation by Pedro Chávarry, members of the Congress of Large front and New Peru They came back little by little to listen to the other officials who came to support the budget for 2019.

"The prosecutor Chávarry has 4 constitutional charges arrested by the Fujimori and Apra majority, in which he must be investigated for alleged belonging to the mafia" Los blancos blancos del puerto "ask for resources in case of serious constitutional failure," said Marco Arana.

"The truth is that we have done it (out of Congress) out of modesty and dignity, in order to preserve the independence of the congressional control capacity of which other groups, especially Fujimorismo and the US. APRA, had knowledge, "added the congressman. Wide force

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