Roque Benavides questions the prosecutor for requesting an impediment to leave the country against Alan García (VIDEOS)


The President of the National Confederation of Private Commercial Institutions (Confiep), Roque Benavides, questioned the prosecutor for asking for the impossibility of leaving the country against the exmandatario Alan García, on his return to the country.

"It is surprising that Mr. Alan García is summoned to the Office of the Prosecutor and that the hearing is suspended, and that the The impediment of departure is just the moment he returns to the country. In short, it seems to me that it could have been much more transparent, but it is the effort made by the Office of the Prosecutor to clarify these issues, "he said, indicating that García Pérez himself should respond to this question. topic.

Regarding the financing of presidential campaigns, as was the case with Odebrecht and other companies, Roque Benavides, He said it was still happening in the country. "Campaign funding needs to be transparent, which is important for the fight against corruption," he told Paracas. in the 56th edition of the Officers of cade 2018.

"I have always said that the financing of the election campaign was the best kept secret of Peru and that today it is broken down, but I think that constitutional reform is an important step and we have to save it, "he said.

He assures that he was not at the Confiep meeting

In addition, Roque Benavides said that he was not at the meeting at which Confiep had agreed to run a campaign for business. "The Confiep did not give a penny to Fuerza Popular"he said.

He also said that at that time, Ricardo Briceño was not presiding over the Confiep, but he was forced to sign the campaign payment slips because the elected president still had no authorized registry signature . "I was not present at this meeting because I went on a trip, but there was nothing illegal there," he said.

However, the current chairman of the Confiep assured that in 2011, the 30 companies members of the board of directors of the said confederation of companies, which included at the time Odebrecht, They decided to launch a campaign for the private company and not any candidacy.

Despite the fact that there is persecution of the Office of the Prosecutor against the Confiep, Mr. Benavides said that all the businessmen cited will have to testify. "All businessmen will have to come in. We have no crown," he added.

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