They admit that breast implants can have "rare and serious side effects" that need to be deepened


The International Confederation of Plastic Surgery Societies (ICOPLAST), which brings together 60 countries (including the United States, Canada and Australia), issued a statement at the global level in which it states that "breast implants are considered safe in general, although they can have rare and serious side effects. ".

According to the international organization based in the Netherlands, "the most common problems associated with breast implants are Capsular contracture, displacement and rupture of the implant ".

The statement states that "side effects have been widely studied, particularly in the field of autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis and a rare form of lymphatic cancer, BIA-ALCL ".

With regard to the latter –Anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implants explains that it usually presents with "rapid enlargement of the breast due to fluid around the implant"late seroma). It is diagnosed by studying the cells of this fluid and, in general, he can be treated surgically and, where indicated, with specific oncology treatments ".

The statement was circulated around the world in the context of the repercussions of the investigation. Implant filesled by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICJI), which involves 58 world media, including Infobae, The nation and Profile, for Argentina.

In this book, published since last Sunday in 36 countries simultaneously, is alert on Weaknesses in health checks in different countries regarding the safety of implants and medical devices which are used in patients, the inadequacy of clinical tests before the placing on the market of new models, and concealing the amount of adverse effects.

The text has been officially reproduced in our country by the Argentine Society of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery (SACPER), and distributed this afternoon among the surgeons of our country.

Consulted by Infobae, Jorge Pedro, plastic surgeon at Clínicas Hospital and secretary of communication of SACPER, explained that this type of lymphoma "It is of low incidence, but it exists"." Each type of implant in the body produces an inflammatory tissue as a reaction. In the case of breast prostheses, it is generated around the silicone capsule. Some of these lymphatic cells may be malignant and carcinogenic. In most cases, he heals. "

He also stated that "there are about 500 cases identified in the world, out of about 15 million breast implants placed" and that "the minutes are carried by Australia and the United States ".

Breast implant recordings

In the statement, ICOPLAST adds that "autoimmune diseases (such as Sjögren's syndrome, chronic fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis) have also been studied in relation to breast implants. These symptoms have been called ASIA Syndrome or Breast Implant Disease (BII) ".

However, according to the international entity, "there is no conclusive evidence of a causal link, and further research is needed to evaluate any potential link between adjuvant-induced autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome (ASIA syndrome) and breast implants ".

In this sense, ICOPLAST warns that "additional funds are needed to support research on BIA-ALCL syndrome and ASIA syndrome " and "the collection of data through effective national registries of breast prostheses is an essential part of this research ".

In this regard, the international entity emphasizes that these breast device registries, "combined with international collaboration, have the capacity to dramatically improve the health outcomes of patients with implantable breast devices around the world. ".

ICOPLAST points out that "the Australian Register of Breast Devices (ABDR) is a model for such national registries", which collects anonymous information about patients with breast implants. "The international comparison of the results of these registers, within the international legal framework of the protection of privacy, is facilitated through the International collaboration of breast registration activities (ICOBRA), collaborative network of national companies of plastic surgery, breast surgery companies, regulators and researchers ".

Similarly, ICOPLAST stresses that "Women with these side effects need to be taken seriously, supported and reviewed. BIA-ALCL is rare and, in general, it is easy to treat ".

Pedro assured, consulted by Infobae, That "all this information is given to the patient in the informed consent". And even though she admitted that "to date, there is no direct relationship with cancer or autoimmune diseases, this can not be completely ruled out in the future ", For what "the subject is still in the study"

Breast prostheses, "like any implant in the body, have a useful life and can cause problems, they are encapsulated or can break." According to statistics, 1 in 10 can have one, which is why 10 years they must change them, "added this plastic surgeon with 30 years of experience.

The ICOPLAST statement recommends to women who wish to undergo breast implant surgery ",make sure to be perfectly aware of reliable sourcesand he invites them to "register their implant and their surgery in the national database".

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