Keiko Fujimori | It is the parliamentarians who left the headquarters of the Popular Force [FOTOS]


The congressman Ursula Letona announced his resignation from the bench Fuerza Popular, in the midst of a crisis in this political group. In an exclusive interview with the RPP Noticias, the parliamentarian said she made this decision so that "it is not used as a pretext" to generate a division within Popular strength.

As we recall, Yeni Vilcatoma requested his eviction from the bench in a letter to the spokesperson Carlos Tubino. "The important thing is to keep unity in Popular strength. I will not allow some people characterized by the search for power to give me an excuse to generate divisions, "Letona told the RPP.

Popular strength got 73 deputies thanks to the valid votes obtained in the 2016 elections. After two and a half years, the bloc is still in power to 60 parliamentarians after the expulsions and resignations of some of its members.

In September 2016, the legislator Yeni Vilcatoma she became the first non-congresswoman to leave Fuerza Popular, but two years later she returned to Fujimorismo to run for the third vice president of Board of Directors The legislator then followed Patricia Donayre who joined the Peruvian Caucus for Kambio.

In January of this year, the so-called block "Avengers" gave up Fuerza Popular. It is currently integrated by seven parliamentarians, after the dismissal of Kenji Fujimori, Bienvenido Ramírez and Guillermo Bocángel. These are: Maritza García, Sonia Echevarría, Lizbeth Robles, Estelita Bustos, Clayton Galván, Marita Herrera, José Marvin Palma. All remained ungrouped, but seek to register their group Change 21.

The other legislators who resigned from Fuerza Popular were Luis Yika, Lucio Ávila, Paloma Noceda and Francesco Petrozzi.

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