Oral health: Why is bad breath generated?


Bad breath? It is obvious that you feel uncomfortable and that it can make you spend difficult moments or embarrass you with whom you speak. In addition to all this, bad breath can mean that something is wrong with your oral health.

For this, Jubitza Loayza, periodontist and medical director of the Eurodent clinic, explains the causes of bad breath.

"Bad breath is caused mainly by bacteria in the mouth and on the surface of the tongue, which are accumulated by lack of oral hygiene or oral diseases, but there are other causes "says the specialist.

1. Food waste. When we finish eating something, the fermentation of food waste occurs in the teeth, palate and tongue, which generates a predisposition to decay and bacterial plaque.

2. Smoking tobacco. It stains teeth, produces bad breath and irritates the tissues of the gums. It also increases the risk of periodontitis, tartar buildup and more serious diseases such as oral cancer.

3. Poor technique of oral hygiene. The absence of brushing prevents the elimination of food residues. The cleaning should be done on the teeth, tongue, palate and cheeks.

4. Dental prostheses. If the cleaning is not done properly, food residues will accumulate in the prosthesis, which will produce a bad odor.

5. Dry mouth or xerostomia. People with dry mouth are more likely to suffer from bad breath because the salivary glands do not produce the saliva needed to wash the food particles out of the mouth.

6. medications. Some medications such as antidepressants, antihistamines and antihypertensives cause dry mouth because of their chemical composition.

7. Oral problems. The presence of dental caries, gingivitis and periodontitis, as well as infections due to sores, cold sores, canker sores or surgical wounds caused by the extraction of a tooth.

And how to fix it? According to Loayza, to eliminate bad breath, it is necessary to diagnose its origin and to follow these recommendations.

1. Maintain a good oral cleaning. Brush your teeth three times a day by sliding, use a tongue cleaner, dental floss and interproximal brushes to complete the cleansing. In the case of dental prostheses, they must be cleaned daily.

2. Have a balanced diet. Eat healthy foods and reduce the intake of sugars and fats that will strengthen the body's defenses to prevent mouth infections.

3. Do not smoke or drink excessively. Moderate consumption to avoid damaging the tissues of the mouth and increases the risk of suffering from diseases.

4. Participate in dental assessments. Proceed to a dental evaluation and maintenance (shaving and prophylaxis) every 6 months to prevent halitosis, cavities and other diseases of the mouth.


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