Martha Chávez: "In Fujimorismo, there are no criminals, so they abuse us" [VIDEO] | Photo 1 of 6 | Politics


Former Congressman and currently Judicial Advisor Fuerza Popular, Martha Chávez, He assured that the Legal authority started a political persecution against Keiko Fujimori and the organization she runs.

"The authorities have blinkers on and here we can enter into the subject of political persecution. Keiko is detained without any evidence, but others who have been officials of national, sub-national, regional or municipal governments, thank you very much. Everything is directed against Fuerza Popular, "Chávez said.

The former legislator also criticized the judicial authorities for releasing characters related to Sendero Luminoso, as opposed to the pre-trial detention of Fujimori.

"Do you know why Keiko is in prison? Because Fujimorismo is not a terrorist. Today, the judiciary releases Movadef from his apology for terrorism because they fear doing something if they are found guilty. As in Fujimorismo, there are no criminals or terrorists, so they abuse us"He said.

Martha Chávez She said she hoped the orange chef would leave before Christmas. "I hope Keiko will be free before Christmas. There must be a breaking point, because this abuse is already too much, " He added that Judge Concepción Carhuancho had not yet appealed Fujimori's defense against his 36-day detention order for Fuerza Popular's leader.

Martha Chávez:

Martha Chávez: "In Fujimorismo, there are no criminals, so they abuse us"

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