Yeni Vilcatoma in Mercedes Aráoz: "I do not live with corrupt people, I denounce them" | Popular strength


The congressman Yeni Vilcatoma (Popular strength) responded to the government legislator Mercedes Aráoz after the Vice President pointed out that she "constantly had obvious signs of treason", in reference to the deportation request she had made against her former colleague of bench Ursula Letona.

"You're wrong, it's called fighting corruption, unlike you, I do not live with corrupt people, I denounce them.What do you know about the fight against corruption?", A-t- he writes on his Twitter account.

A few hours ago, in statements to the press of the The Congress, Aráoz regretted the resignation of Ursula Letona at the bench Popular strength and considered that Yeni Vilcatoma, main promoter of the decision taken by her until yesterday, banker banker, is not a reliable person.

"Mrs Vilcatoma He has obvious signs of betrayal all the time. In addition, it is a very unpleasant way to treat a person. Working with colleagues is not an appropriate attitude, "said Aráoz.

Controversy around Vilcatoma's complaint

The congressman Yeni Vilcatoma He asked for the expulsion of his teammate Ursula Letona of Popular strength. In a letter to the party spokesman, Carlos Tubino, explained that she should be separated by his attitude with regard to the investigation into the complaint filed for alleged corruption at PromPerú.

"Because of your behavior as a congressman representing the group Popular strength during the investigation into the complaint filed by the acts of corruption perpetrated in the public entity PromPerú, has not been proven, because she used all her power to obtain the filing of the motion of the Supervisory Commission which had the purpose of investigating irregularities in said entity, "reads the document to which he had access. RPP.

As expected, the complaint was taken with surprise Popular strength. The spokesperson of the bench, Carlos Tubino, Considered that the request of the legislator Yeni Vilcatoma so his bench mate Ursula Letona being expelled from the bench is "exaggerated".

"I think, at first glance, that asking for deportation is exaggerated because it is a problem that needs to be seen with a cool head on the bench, we have to listen to both parties and it does not matter. There has not been this exercise, "he said in a conversation with RPP News.

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