Karla Tarazona to Isabel Acevedo: "It will always be the other"


November 29, 2018 5:00.

Now that Isabel Acevedo and Christian Domínguez celebrate their second happy birthday, the driver, Karla Tarazona, nothing and no one will change your mind about the qualifier for the dancer.

For Karla Tarazona it will always be the other, to whom he has opened the doors of his house and destroyed his house.

READ MORE: Karla Tarazona refuses to be compared to Christian Domínguez and Leonard León

"There are things that show how this girl started in the arts, over the years, others may forget, but what I've lived and experienced, the concept that I'm 39; ai of this woman, no one will ever take me to the mind will remain the other, "he said.

He replied to Mónica Cabrejos, to whom the title "of the other" seemed to him aggressive.

"I have suffered a lot"

"It also seems that an aggression sends an intimate garment home to a woman, it is also a psychological abuse.

She thinks of a girl who is sitting at the table in your house and who spends a week traveling with your partner, it is also a psychological abuse, "he said.

LOOK ALSO: Isabel Acevedo: "I will not fall into the game of Karla Tarazona"

On the trips that Cumbia makes with Chabelita, a Karla Tarazona she is indifferent and with the affection of her children, she is enough and enough. "I do not care what they do, they do not matter," he added.

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