With a human touch at Chan Chan, raise awareness about the fight against AIDS | news


5:03 p.m. | Trujillo, Nov 29

At the foot of Huaca Toledo, a truncated pyramidal elevation located in the Chan Chan archeological complex, a human link has formed today to raise awareness of the importance of the fight against HIV-AIDS. .

More than 120 Chan Chan workers and officials from the La Libertad regional health directorate have joined forces to form a large red ribbon, an international symbol intended to show their support in the fight against AIDS and solidarity with the victims of disease. HIV carriers.

A large red ribbon, an international symbol to show support for the fight against AIDS, was formed at the Chan Chan Archaeological Complex.

During the activation, José Otiniano, HIV carrier, presented to all staff members with red poles the emotional and courageous testimony with the message "Get tested for HIV, it's better to know it. "

"We are very grateful for your commitment.AIDS has not been eradicated and continues to increase in the world.I want them to know that yes, you can live with HIV, but it is better to live without it, "said Otiniano.

Without discrimination

The director of regional health management, Eduardo Araujo, has publicly asked not to discriminate against patients and has shown concern over the increase in the number of cases in the La Libertad region.

"We are concerned by the increase in the number of cases of HIV, 392 new cases have been recorded, 20 of which have been identified in the provinces of Trujillo and Chepén," he said.

For her part, María Elena Córdova, director of the special project of the Chan Chan Archaeological Complex, pointed out that this action was a call to the community to fight together against this disease.

In addition, it is an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of the culture sector with the health of the population in general.

"We are celebrating 32 years of Chan Chan's inscription as a UNESCO World Heritage member, we have coincided with the health sector to unite and celebrate life", has he declares.

He said: "It is true that our sector works in research and conservation of cultural heritage, but the idea is to provide our results for the enjoyment of a healthy and happy population." Culture is part of life, it is part of life, "he said.

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Posted: 29/11/2018

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