A minor wanted by his parents reappears in the video: "I'm pregnant"


A girl defends the 26-year-old man accused of having kidnapped her!

L.B.G., the missing minor for 24 days, sent to Panamericana Televisión a video in which she assures to have fled voluntarily the house to meet with her boyfriend, Alex Silva Verástegui (26), because she is pregnant.

"This video is intended to clarify that I left and that if we were doing this trip, it was on my own with my boyfriend.", you hear him tell L.B.G. in the video,

In addition, the 16-year-old girl denied her mother, who had been desperately looking for more than three weeks: "The reason was because I'm pregnant and I was scared, and all the the accusations they make on TV are fake because I love it and everything was with my consent"


The words of this girl made her mother suffer, Ofelia Guerrero, who for three weeks He suffered from not knowing what had happened to the child.

"The pain of seeing her encourage my daughter to say things that are not"said Ofelia Guerrero very affected, also ruled out that her daughter be pregnant.

"These are days without sleep, without eating. But seeing you now I can at least be calmer"explained the mother of the young unconscious

As you remember, the minor was seen for the last time by his father, who left him in the meadow of the University of Lima; however, captured security cameras that half an hour later, L.B.G. He left the place.


The latest images of a teenager missing for 22 days (VIDEO)

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