This Is War: Ignacio Baladán's bash to Patricio Parodi that sparked controversy in This Is War | VIDEO | Photo 1 of 3 | Shows


The controversy erupted in This Is War. For a period of time, program production has shown that participants can not react aggressively against others. If this is the case, they may be penalized with subtraction points, removed from the game and even suspended.

Thursday afternoon, Ignacio Baladán and Patricio Parodi participated in the program in one of the most difficult matches. But the controversy came later. The Uruguayan lost to his best friend and retired by walking back to the camera.

However, Patricio Parodi He blocked his way by putting his body and his shoulder. At that time, the "duck" asked them to repeat the images in order to realize that Ignacio Baladán I had hit him on the ground.

María Pía Copello He denied that this happened and that, from the point of view of the camera, it seems that it happened, but he denied it. Ignacio BaladáNot so According to Uruguayan, he walked and did nothing to hurt Patricio Parodi.

The production of That's the war He passed the images in slow motion and the participants began to discuss whether a low blow was being dealt with or not. At the end, Ignacio Baladán was penalized 10 points less for his team.

Assault of Ignacio Baladán on Patricio Parodi

Assault of Ignacio Baladán on Patricio Parodi

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