A girl has been operated on contaminated equipment and may have HIV


A girl was operated on contaminated equipment and could have HIV / Courtesy: iSotck© salud180.com
A girl has been operated on contaminated equipment and may have HIV

A girl from the town of O. Higgins, Chile, could have been contaminated with HIV.

The girl would have been operated with contaminated materialso he could have been infected by HIV.

The family is going to Regional Hospital of Rancagua to have committed medical malpractice after her daughter had tonsillar surgery.

Supposedly, during surgery performed at the child under 11 years old, the surgical equipment was not properly sterilized.

They noticed that three days after the surgery, they had indicated in the analyzes HIV reagent

According to data published by the Mayo Clinicwhen a blood test indicates a Reactive against HIV, it is necessary to perform another more specific test, which regularly shows the results two weeks later.

Therefore, the minor's family must wait for these analyzes to confirm the result. According to statements by Cecilia Pitrowski, deputy director of the Rancagua Hospital, this test could be negative.

Health authorities, such as MP Juan Luis Castro, have already acted on the case and described the situation as unacceptable.

More news on MSN:

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