AFP Habitat denies negotiating to buy Profuturo AFP | Economy | Businesses


Last week, it was rumored in Chile that AFP Habitat would be in the last stages for the purchase of the third largest AFP in Peru who is Profuturo and whose owner is Scotiabank.

The information prompted the rapid intervention of the Superintendency of the Securities Market and by Alix Godos, Head of General Headquarters of the VMS Behavior Surveillance General Stewardship.

"Under the provisions of Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, numbers 6.4 and 6.5 and 27 of the Rules of Facts and Relevant Information, you must immediately and through important facts to clarify the information referred to", said the Godos office.

The VMS appeal did not receive attention because it urged AFP Habitat to provide timely and timely updates on future events.

"What must be communicated the same day after having taken place or taken cognizance and before any means of communication, even when the information has not been generated within the transmitter itself" adds the VMS representative.

AFP Habitat's response was forwarded to the VPS by another office in which it said that the company "is not negotiating for the acquisition of the property of Profuturo AFP".

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