After the lunar eclipse, know the rituals to attract luck – Diario La Provincia SJ


On July 27, there was the longest lunar eclipse of the century, which lasted 102 minutes, and although this phenomenon has already passed, it does not mean that the energy of this astrological event n & # 39; 39, has more effect on us. 19659002] So we must harness the energy of this lunar eclipse with the following rituals to attract luck.

1. Write your wishes

When you want something with a lot of passion, all the positive energy focuses on that desire. Therefore, it is very important that you have your wishes firmly. You must be very clear about what you want to happen.

For this to happen, you have to write it on a piece of paper that is your wish. That's right, when you do it, you have to do it thinking and concentrating all your energy on it, then you burn it and you know it will be accomplished.

2. Sealed Decisions

Take advantage of the energy of the lunar eclipse to reflect on the important decisions you must make in your life. Repeat this in a low voice about three times, then throw water into each decision as you seal it.

3. Attracting Love

We know that what represents love is red, so, choose a candle of this color and shake a few drops of holy water. Then the stringers and you will place the picture of the person you love, so that you will make a strong link for the energies that this lunar eclipse brings.

If you do not have a partner, then do not worry. You just have to omit the photo and write the word love on a piece of paper. Then burn it with the candle, make sure the right person arrives.

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