AIDS cases detected in the CAV in 2017, late diagnoses | The society


Late diagnosis of HIV poses a major socio-health problem and contributes to the perpetuation of the AIDS epidemic.

Of the 133 new HIV infections detected last year in the Basque Autonomous Community, 46% of cases presented a late diagnosis, according to data from the AIDS and STI plan of the Basque Country published today by Sidálava.

While the NGO today recalled two days of World AIDS Day, late diagnosis of HIV poses a major socio-health problem and contributes to the perpetuation of the AIDS epidemic, as well as other significant impacts such as high mortality and increased risk of HIV transmission due to ignorance.

It is estimated that 25% of those infected do not know that they are. It is therefore crucial to reveal "the hidden part of the HIV epidemic, both from the point of view of public health and the individual".

Last year, in Álava, 20 new cases of HIV were diagnosed, representing 15% of the total in Euskadi. Seven of these new diagnoses were detected in the Sidálava HIV rapid test service, which means that 35% of new diagnoses in this area were derived from this service.

In recent years, there has been an increase in transmission among men who have sex with other men and among immigrant populations, and Sidálava has shown concern that 63% of new Infections involve people under 39 years old.

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