Application allows you to use Facebook and Messenger in one application | Technology | Fb | Face | Tips | Technology


Nowadays, mobile applications are becoming more and more heavy, like Facebook and Messenger. Therefore, mobile phones must have a better ability to have maximum performance, otherwise, you can choose other lighter and more powerful applications like Power Pro.

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What is it? Previously in the application of Facebook was the option to discuss, but now it is done by Messenger, an additional application that is a headache for phones that have not not enough performance to work

For users who have this problem, Power Pro, a lightweight application that allows access to Facebook and Messenger via a single application that, in addition to being lightweight, is according to the functions of the applications separately. Power Pro is an unofficial Facebook client and Messenger available for Android.

One of the advantages of Power Pro is that it opens the ability to enable certain functions of Facebook and Messenger, like stories, for example. You can also edit some custom options so that you have a better experience when browsing the application.

Power Pro also allows you to set the default value to receive the most recent news first. And yes, it also allows you to block ads and apply filters to news, many of which are currently unavoidable on Facebook and Messenger . This app has a cost of 2 euros, but by launch is free for users to know all its benefits.

 Power Pro 1

 Power Pro 2

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